BEWARE With hype growing around Highstreet, reports on scammers impersonating us are rising.

24 May 2022, 21:54
⚠️BEWARE⚠️ With hype growing around Highstreet, reports on scammers impersonating us are rising Always be on lookout for Strangers who messages you 🚫Our team members will never contact you first ✅Ask in the main group to receive help from our admins 🔥💀Stay away from fake contracts, pools,.. Our contracts📃 📒ETH: 0x71Ab77b7dbB4fa7e017BC15090b2163221420282 📕BSC:0x5f4Bde007Dc06b867f86EBFE4802e34A1fFEEd63 All markets available here 📊Official exchanges: Binance (HIGH/USDT) also available HIGHBUSD,HIGHBTC Coinbase (HIGH/USD) 🔄Decentralized exchanges 🐧 Impossible Swap HIGH/BUSD 🥞 Pancakeswap HIGH/BUSD 🦄 Uniswap HIGH/ETH FOMO duck 🐤 Official FOMO Duck homepage 🦆OpenSea Official & Genuine FOMO Duck Squad 🏡Highstreet's Real state: Solarium entrance is open here 🚀 📜Contract: 0x1B26e0F75c623fE9357dBC6c1871AB745fACcF04 🏢Solarium home purchase link: here In addition to selling land to institutions and brand developers Highstreet has also recently launched properties. Solarium is located in the heart of Highstreet City and features extremely luxurious interiors and beautiful city views. 🥚Dragon egg hatching has started. Hatching guide here After clearing the chrome browser cache, re-enter the home and click on the item bar to call it out. After accessing the egg, press the E key on the keyboard to interact Rules for Egg Hatching here Useful links: 🔝How to Withdraw NFT from Binance ♦️♻️ Exchange your HIGH (ETH 🔄BSC) here ♦️🃏How to swap vHIGH/Vouchers for HIGH tokens here 🃏Fomo Secrets: Get your phygital goods here 🔹Homepage 🔹Announcement channel 🔹Discord 🔹Youtube 🔹Twitter 🔹Medium 🔹Facebook 🔹Instagram 🔹Linkdln 🔹Whitepaper 🔹Roadmap 🔹BTIG Research Official local groups: 🇰🇷Korea 🇨🇳China 🇪🇸Spain & Latin America 🇻🇳 Vietnamese Get in touch via email: ✉️AMA/Community - ✉️Media contact for brands - ✉️General inquiries -